Advanced Process Mixing – Help Your Process Success




Most Efficient

HPCD – High Performance Centrifugal Disperser

– The Next Generation Mixing Technology

The flow pattern has high similarity of cosmic explosion.

Click the Video and feel the mixing power

Tornado-Like Solids Suspension

HPCD is the Tornado-Maker. Tornado is know has the super lifting power. HPCD creates exactly same flow pattern as tornado.

Fireworks – Like Particle Dispersion

Efficient mixing needs dispersion rather than stirring

State of Art Technology

Why Advanced Process Mixing

APMixing Ltd. is a leading manufacturer and global provider of solutions for mixing challenges. The cost of poor mixing to process production is hundreds of time higher than the cost of mixer itself. The innovative HPCD technology provides more than expected:

  • Leading Mixing Technology.
  • Capital, Operational and Maintenance Cost Saving.
  • Improve Production
  • Solve Mixing Problems

Call to Discuss Your Mixing Challenges

Call 1-403-863-8768 now to discuss how our technology will solve your challenges and help your success.